Tuesday 21 March 2017

All About Enzyme Peels

Enzymes Peels is a great alternative AHA peels for people that have a Fitzpatrick IV and above or who have an adverse reaction to AHA. Enzyme peels are safe, eco-friendly, and gentle while exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells and leaving healthy cells intact.

Enzymes are a type of protein that act as catalysts, or accelerators to help increase the chemical reactions happening continually throughout the body. Enzymes for the skin are from natural sources, such as fruits, vegetable and plant matter that works with the enzymes on your skin to revitalize your skin and return a youthful glow plus improve texture or appearance.

Enzyme Peels Vs Other Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can provide a variety of results, depending on the strength, type and combination.  All Chemical peels provide some level of exfoliate the dead skin cells, and can also remove living cells if the strength of the peel is high. The most common chemical peels is salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid.
Enzyme peels, on the other hand, offer a more gentle solution that can be incorporated into a regular skin care regimen. These treatments can speed up natural chemical reactions in the skin that renew skin cells while exfoliating dead cells. The most amazing thing about enzyme peels is that they do not damage or remove live tissue; they exfoliate only dead cells, which is why these peels are great for nearly all skin types. Enzymes are abundant in natural ingredients such as papaya, pumpkin pulp, pineapples, and Japanese mushrooms.

Pros of an Enzyme Peel

  1. They’re Easier on the Skin Than Chemical Peels
  2. Speed Up the Skin’s Natural Healing Response
  3. Natural and Sustainable
  4. Easy to Remove as it does not need normalizing and can be removed by water

Cons of Enzyme Peels

  1. May Not Be Strong Enough for some skin condition that require a deeper chemical peel
  2. Could Discourage a Visit to a Skin Specialist when a Qualified Skin Specialist
  3. Some people are allergic to the source of the enzyme
With a growing list of ingredients that enzymes can be develop from, they include pumpkin, papaya, pineapple, pomegranate and blueberries, Japanese mushrooms. Enzyme peels are gaining in popularity because they are safe for all skin types and most condition plus do not inflame the skin or cause downtime. Zen de Jour will be releasing a 15% Emyzime Peel later this year. Wanting to know more about exfoliation and chemical peels please just click on below links.

Read: What is the Difference between Physical and Chemical Exfoliation
Read: How often you should Exfoliate
Read: What You Need to Know Before having a Chemical Peel Treatment
Read: How Chemical Peels and Laser Can help reduce the potential of Skin Cancer

Saturday 18 March 2017

What the law requires when labeling skincare products.

On a recent forum about labeling skincare, a member posted an ingredient list for a night cream and was wondering what surfactant was used to keep the oil and water ingredients from separating and was the citric acid the preservative. The list reads – Water, Jojoba Oil, Armond oil, Bergamot Essential Oil, Citric Acid. Shelf life 2 years. Too any seasoned Cosmetic Chemist, there were some major flaws in this list, either they are missing some key ingredients or overstated its shelf life. Labeling skincare products is very simply.  There is a legal framework that you must follow to not only be compliant but also inform the consumer what is in your product so they can make an inform purchasint decison.

What is required when Labeling skincare products.

There are specific rules and are adopted all around the world.
  1. The ingredients list must be clearly visible at the point of purchase. ie On the packaging, if a point of purchase is via the web it must be available the website.
  2. If an ingredient label can’t be displayed on the packaging due to the size, shape or nature of the product, information must be displayed with the product. eg swing tags, leaflets or product card.
  3. The name of the ingredients must be listed using the correct International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) name – The chemical name not the trade name or common name.
  4. All ingredients (except color additives) with a concentration above 1% must be listed in descending order.
  5. Followed by ingredients (except color additives) with a concentration 1% or below listed in any order.
  6. Followed by color additives listed in any order.
This is a very simple open system that does not give away your company trade secrets or formula but ensures consistency in ingredient list from product to product. If you wish to look up any INCI ingredient name – http://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/cosing/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.simple
It is very simple guidelines to labeling skincare but is it too simple? As in an earlier blog it can present some limitation.
Read – Is the Ingredient List on your skincare telling you the whole truth?